Onward Together

Onward Together

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Our Community Garden

We are proud members of this wonderful effort. Join the Washington County Community Garden.
Here's the year end report.

It was a phenomenal year at the WCCG, not only in terms of the length of the growing season, but also in the amount of produce harvested. We recorded over 8,885 pounds of produce in "the book".

Since our collective crops have an average fair market value of $2.00 per pound, we grew over $17,000 worth of food on our little acre on the corner of Water and Indiana.I am in awe. This extraordinary record is due in no small part to a wonderful growing season with plentiful rain and optimum temperatures. The time which gardeners volunteered on work days and maintenance projects is a near-record 310 hours, with a marketplace value between $5,000 and $6,000.

These impressive numbers validate the importance of our community garden. If you are not a member of this wonderful community of gardeners but would like to join in the fun, send an email with your contact info to communitygarden@co.ozaukee.wi.us.

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