Onward Together

Onward Together

Friday, December 29, 2017

The Crossroads

Is America Great Again?
Not even close.

We are one year into Making America Great Again and seven years into the Wisconsin Taxpayer Revolt. We know what this looks like and have reached the crossroads. Is this what we want to become?

Do we want to be a society where everybody is out for himself or herself, looking to amass as much wealth as they can at the expense of those less able or fortunate?

Do we want to live on planet with less clean air and water with a dwindling food supply and a climate that grows ever harsher to human existence?

Do we want to live in a society where the elderly, disabled and different are deemed disposable and expendable?

Do we want to live in communities where women are second or third class citizens whose job it is to pleasure men and have their babies?

Do we want to live in a society where those at the top of the chain are automatically deemed more valuable than those in subordinate positions?

Do we want to end our commitment to universal quality public education?

Do we want to return to a system that only allows white male property owners to decide who gets to govern the country?

Do we want a country that is not respected or supported by the international community?

Do we really want one-party rule in the halls of government?

2018 must be the year we turn away from these goals of Republican governance and return our society back to one based upon mutual respect and taking care of each other.

We need a tax code which requires everyone to pay their fair share to support basic human needs for food security, adequate universal healthcare, a secure infrastructure that supports business ventures and safe commerce, a stable defense for a peaceful world.

We need to protect Social Security and Medicare to make sure that seniors and the disabled do not go back to impoverished lives and dying in back bedrooms. We need to protect retirements for those who can no longer work.

We need to protect the world we live on by doing what science demands to clean our air and water and minimize the disruption of climate change. We need to maximize the use of renewable energy sources to stop the use of fossil fuels.

We need to value those who work by providing safe working environments, family supporting wages and benefits, collective bargaining rights and reasonable working conditions. Family and medical leave policies must recognize the importance strong families play in productive work.

We need strong public schools that support and educate every child to the best of their individual abilities so they can become productive and intelligent members of our communities. We need to recognize that professional and well-supported teachers are critical to the success of their students and compensate our educators accordingly.

We need to finally recognize and promote the equality of women in the workplace and the rest of society by guaranteeing equal pay for equal work and equal access to opportunity. We need an end to sexual harassment and assault everywhere.

We need to end income inequality and value each member of the community for the contribution they can make. The value of one’s opinions should not depend upon the amount they have in the bank. Everyone should be eligible to and encouraged to vote in fair elections. Election districts must be drawn to encourage competitive elections, not to favor incumbent politicians.

We need to expand protections for America’s natural wild areas and make them accessible for all to see and enjoy. Our National and State Parks are the envy of the world and need to be expanded.

We need a return to respectable diplomacy that respects other countries and their cultures and does not seek to impose American values by might.

2018 is the year we can restore the democracy to end the one party rule that favors the few over the many, but only if you vote. Those who stay home elect tyrants and dictators.

Waring R. Fincke is a retired attorney who serves as a guardian for the elderly and disabled.

Friday, December 15, 2017

End One Party Rule

The Alabama Miracle
If they can do it, we can too

We witnessed a political miracle this week when traditionally Republican Alabama voters elected a Democrat to the United States Senate. The demographics of the Alabama areas that shifted political allegiances are fascinating. Many who voted for Donald Trump in the last presidential election switched parties to vote for Doug Jones.

African-American Alabama voters, who apparently stayed home in the last cycle, came out in droves to vote for Doug Jones. They saw through Moore’s racially charged speeches and resisted at the polls. They joined the many disaffected white moderates and independents that voted for Trump and soon saw how he and the GOP sold them out. They were not going to be duped again.

Many will claim that Roy Moore lost because he was a deeply and personally flawed candidate. That he was, but a lot of white, Evangelical Alabama Christians voted for him anyway. They were willing to look past Moore’s accusers who credibly claimed his sexual predilections for young girls, believing instead his professed belief in a Christian God and claims to biblically based racial superiority. For these supporters, his condemnation of abortion and same sex marriage and orientation coupled with his belief that slavery was a hallmark of a great society showed that he shared their moral values.

That President Trump came to embrace Roy Moore in order to salvage his failing efforts to get the GOP tax reform scam through the United State Senate was not enough to swing the election to Moore. Trump’s public support and robo call for Moore appears to have turned the election into a referendum on Trump’s presidency, a presidency has the lowest approval rating of any president in modern American history. Those who might have been willing to close their eyes and vote for Moore were probably pushed to vote for Jones or write in someone else when they realized they would also be supporting a very unpopular and unpleasant president and his failing agenda.

Steve Bannon, the outcast braggart of the alt-right, could not rescue Moore’s candidacy either. Try as he might to rally the white supremacist Alabama Klu Klux Klan believers to support to Moore’s campaign, it was not enough. Bannon’s resort to scare tactics showed he has lost whatever teeth he had when Moore lost. Bannon’s endorsements have now rightly become the kiss of death for anyone seeking political office.

In the end, the Alabama Senate election exposed just how far down into the sewer the alt-right majority in the GOP was willing to go to advance their corrupt agenda. It also showed there is great hope for good Democratic candidates with a message of working together to solve common problems.

Doug Jones has solid government service credentials and a proven record of standing up for justice and equality. He celebrates Alabama’s diversity and brought together a winning coalition of African-Americans, Latinos, middle and working class whites, all of who were undeterred by GOP voter suppression tactics. Without a strong state Democratic Party, he put together a great grass roots campaign that reached into every corner of Alabama with his positive message of inclusion and improving the lives of working families.

The baffling part of the Alabama election is why so many white women and men who call themselves Evangelical Christians supported Moore so fervently. Given the credible accusations of sexual misconduct in his past, I do not understand Moore’s support by so many women. Given Trump’s failures to deliver on his many promises to help white middle and working class men, I find it difficult to understand why they continue to vote against their economic interests. Perhaps his messages of racial superiority and religious purity were enough to blind these voters to the loss of their healthcare insurance, destruction of public education and steep cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security looming on the horizon.

The Alabama election outcome has reinforced resistance to the GOP agenda. Solid Democratic candidates are stepping up to offer meaningful alternatives to that agenda in traditionally republican strongholds, including our own. Just in Washington County, there are two Democrats running for seats in the Assembly.

Dennis Degenhardt, the newly retired CEO of Glacier Hills Credit Union, is running in the special election for the 58th Assembly seat in January. His campaign stresses fiscal responsibility to fix crumbling infrastructure, healthcare as a right not a privilege, support for increased funding for public education, a re-examination of the Foxconn fiasco and working hard for everyday people and their concerns. Learn more at degenhardtforassembly.com

Chris Rahlf is running a strong campaign for the 60th Assembly seat, stressing healthcare, public education and infrastructure repair with a return to leadership that listens. Chris is already pounding the pavement in anticipation of her 2018 election in the eastern parts of Washington County. Learn more at chrisrahlfforassembly.com

If you are tired of one-party control of our government, there is an alternative and that is bringing back two-party cooperation to address mutual concerns. Alabama has shown the way, it is now up to us.

Waring Fincke is a retired attorney and serves as a guardian for the elderly and disabled.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

It's not Sex

Abuse of Power is the Problem
Meritocracy and Equality is the Answer

Sexual harassment and assault often take place when men in positions of power and authority come to believe that their lofty position entitles them to special treatment and physical pleasure from subordinate women. This behavior is just plain wrong, no matter what other positive attributes the powerful possess or the good works they have performed.

In recent weeks, many men in powerful positions have been brought to task by women who found the strength to come forward with descriptions of their abuse and the impacts it has had on their lives and careers. We see it in media celebrities like Matt Lauer of NBC and Garrison Keillor of Prairie Home Companion fame at Minnesota Public Radio. We see it in the halls of Congress from the likes of Rep. John Conyers (D. Mich) and Sen. Al Franken (D. Minn). We even see it in the White House from the most powerful men in our government in Pres. Bill Clinton and Pres. Donald Trump. We see it in political races from those like Judge Roy Moore (R. Ala) and others too numerous to mention.

Some of the men have come clean, admitting their transgressions and seeking redemption through admission and going into self-reflective treatment. Some have been fired by their superiors who raced to adopt zero tolerance policies to avoid further corporate embarrassment and the litigation that often follows disclosure of inappropriate and unacceptable behavior. Others have maintained their innocence, even in the face of numerous accusers with clear evidence of abuse, and kept their positions, at least temporarily.

The media and many activists focus on the sexual nature of the conduct, seeking to draw attention from the salacious. What these critics miss, distracted by the sexual taboos, is the whole point of the behavior. The point is not sexual stimulation and pleasure. The point of the bad behavior is the misguided entitlement the abusers believe is theirs by divine right and their power to make or break the careers of those below them in stature.

Women seeking a seat at the table of authority in workplaces dominated by these men do not get to compete with their male colleagues based on talent, intellect or ability. All too often, they are convinced that the only path to advancement and success winds through the bedroom. They all too often find that path never leads to the table or the Board Room, just to the boudoir.

These abuses of power and authority are rarely addressed as the abuses of those attributes, but merely as inappropriate sexual behavior. Until the roots of male power over women are exposed, examined and redefined, these abuses will continue unabated. We will continue to hear from those few important women who dare to come forward and challenge the power structure, but nothing will change.

What these latest revelations are calling for is the creation of a true meritocracy in the workplace and at home.

We need a world where children are taught that they will find success, not based upon which genital set up they have under their clothes, but on what is between their ears and how they are able to put it to productive use. Our sons and daughters must be taught to respect one another and that no one, under any circumstances, is intrinsically superior to anyone else. The motto must be that we all bring value to the discussion and have the right to express our feelings freely.

Workplace cultures need redefinition along the same lines. It is no longer acceptable for men to become leaders just because they are men. Male generated ideas are no more valuable or important than female ideas. “Mansplaining” that puts women down with patronizing commentary needs to go. Expectations that women in the office are automatically the ones who make the coffee or clean the bathrooms or just take care of the menial tasks have no place in the workplace. It is long past time when women get paid less for the same work done by a male colleague.

The days of Ozzie and Harriet at home are over as well. Life at home has changed, especially since few households can survive on just one income. The workload there needs to be redefined and redistributed so that no one feels like they are carrying the whole load with the kids, the cooking, the cleaning and the dog. No man is ever entitled to sex, just because of his gender or the size of his paycheck.

If we truly want to see an end to sexual harassment and assault by men in power, we need to rebalance the distribution of power so that men and women are equal partners in all the efforts we take together.

Waring Fincke is a retired attorney and serves as a guardian for the elderly and disabled.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Blue Tides Rising

Voters Speaking Up.
Cooperation and Compromise are Key

With each GOP governing blunder that comes to light, we see Democrats stepping forward to run and win in special elections across the land. The political pendulum often rebounds in off year elections as voters see first hand that one-party rule does not work so well. Between now and next November, we will see a much more pronounced pushback primarily due to the continuously outrageous conduct of our president and his cohorts.

Congressional republicans were unable to pass any significant healthcare reforms because they refused to work with Democrats to earn enough votes to secure passage of even modest changes. Tax reform, now being used as a stealth weapon to repeal Obamacare, appears headed down that same road. Republicans in the Senate can only lose two votes on their tax reform proposal and the inclusion of Obamacare repeal will most certainly cost them the support of more than two of their moderate members. Rebellion from the right and left flanks will further stall any meaningful legislative activity before the mid-term elections next fall.

Elections across the country for state legislative seats and local municipal positions are already showing clear signs of voter discontent about GOP inabilities to get anything done on the important issues like infrastructure repair, clean elections, tax inequality and government giveaways to the wealthy who need them the least.

Here in Wisconsin we are beginning to see voter push back against the backroom secret deals like Foxconn that will punish middle class taxpayers for most of the rest of their working lives. Couple the bad Foxconn deal with the bumbling leaders in the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation who cannot enforce any of their own lax rules and we will have an economic disaster that will take decades to fix. Wisconsin still lags far behind in job growth and business development even with massive corporate tax reductions and the lifting of regulatory burdens.

Wisconsin voters are also standing up for their local public schools. Over 70% of the public school referenda passed in the last cycle. These communities have had enough of GOP control from Madison telling them they cannot raise local taxes to support their schools. They are demanding return of local control to their elected school boards so they can provide the resources their educators need to prepare the next generation.

People are rejecting those who would impose outmoded religious beliefs upon their constituents through unconstitutional bathroom bills and gay discrimination laws by electing openly transgendered citizens who care more about fixing roads than which bathroom people use.  They are turning against those who would use their positions of power to sexually harass and assault those less powerful. Respect for women and protection of children are gaining political currency once more. Misogyny is on the way out.

As President Trump and his family continue to loot the treasury, his campaign staffers face federal indictments and industry insiders take control of the regulatory agencies that once kept them in check, voters are telling elected officials who support the Washington rulers that they made the wrong choice.

It is not about one’s political party; it is about the country and what America stands for around the world. With Trump supporting Putin and dictators in the Philippines and Saudi Arabia, American voters are demanding a return to measured diplomacy with our enemies and unwavering support for our friends. We cannot have a president who threatens nuclear war with North Korea in early morning tweets and cuddles up to Chinese leaders in hopes they will reign in North Korean nuclear ambitions. An America floundering about on the world stage with little apparent purpose does little to calm a jittery world already reeling from our withdrawal from climate change accords and trade pacts that stabilize international markets.

Average Americans who cannot reach out to their elected officials in any meaningful way to express their displeasure can only turn to the ballot box. In almost every one of those opportunities, we see rejection of the current status quo. Red seats are turning blue across the land. As the GOP digs in its heels and clings to it’s “my way or the highway, take no prisoners” approach to governing, the blue tide will continue to rise.

Look for leaders who will listen and ask, “what do you think?” These are the ones who can and will work across the ideas that appear to divide us to find solutions to the common problems we all face. These are the leaders and elected officials of our future, if we are to have one.

Waring R. Fincke is a retired attorney and serves as a guardian for the elderly and disabled.

Friday, November 3, 2017

When Tax Reform Hurts

GOP Tax Reform Helps the Wealthy
Not the Rest of US

The tax reform bill that squeaked through the House of Representatives this week drastically cuts taxes for the very wealthy and will add $1.5 Trillion to the federal debt over the next decade.  Those of us who work for a living did not fare so well.

People who use deductions and credits for housing state and local taxes, medical expenses and education costs will probably end up paying more in federal income taxes under the current plan.

Using old and unproven arguments, the GOP leadership cut the corporate tax rate on profits from 35% to 20%. Claims that this will lead to more jobs and higher wages do not hold water. What the corporate tax rate cut is much more likely to generate are increased dividends to stockholders and increased executive pay. Interestingly, about $70 billion a year, 35% of the benefits will flow directly to foreign investors who own shares in American companies, according to the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.

Real estate partnerships, hedge funds and other business that pass profits through directly to owners untaxed will see significant benefits under the new bill. The GOP leadership wants those owners to pay just 25% on those profits instead of the ordinary income tax rates that go up to 39.6%. The Trump family is a prime example of the type of business owner invested in real estate that will see enormous tax cuts with this new benefit.

The secret backroom negotiations that led to the new code revisions hit middle-class families, especially those in high tax states, the hardest with the elimination of deductions for state and local income taxes, limiting the real estate property tax deduction to $10,000, capping the mortgage interest deduction at $500,000, elimination of deductions for medical expenses, college tuition and interest on student loans.

There are still more Trump family benefitting changes as well. The bill eliminates the alternative minimum tax now paid by wealthy people with lots of deductions. Trump’s leaked tax returns for 2005 show the vast majority of the taxes he paid in that year were based upon the alternative minimum tax. Of course, he has not revealed any of his other income tax returns so we can only speculate on the impact the new code provisions will have on his current business income stream based upon know investments. The other major benefit to Trump and his children is found in changes to the federal estate tax. That tax currently applies to inherited wealth over $5.5 million. The new bills exempt inherited wealth up to $11 million next year and phases out the tax completely by 2024. That single change will benefit just 0.2 percent of the people who die every year, but will cost the government $269 billion over a decade.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) claims that a middle-class family of four earning $59,000 per year will see tax savings of $1,182 per year under the new plan. Tax experts at New Your University Law School sees the claim as illusory because the cut will evaporate over a decade as several tax credits in the plan expire and inflation indexing changes take place. It is estimated that Ryan’s hypothetical family will see a tax increase by 2024. If the bill simply cut income or payroll taxes for middle class workers and doubled the standard deduction for individuals and married couples, it would be easy for the GOP to make their case for middle class tax relief. They rejected that simple approach.

Another current middle class tax benefit will vanish. Now, parents can claim personal exemptions for themselves, their spouses and dependent children. The new bill eliminates these exemptions in favor of a $300 personal credit for each parent. Even that expires in five years. For larger families, this clearly increases their federal income taxes.

The elimination of the medical expense deduction hits those with chronic illnesses and lousy medical insurance incredibly hard. If you have or make lots of money and can pay out-of pocket medical costs, you win. If you cannot, more of your paycheck vanishes to pay the doctor.

New polling on public reaction to the new plan shows that it is in trouble. A survey by Global Strategy Group in key states show that sixty percent believe the plan favors the wealthy over the middle class. Twenty percent believed they would personally see a benefit. Those responding to the survey voted for Trump by a 13-point margin.

Republicans in key states with high state and local taxes are on the fence as are those aligned with the construction industry that views mortgage interest rate deductions and property tax credits as keys to home ownership. If more Americans see the bill as a gift to those who do not need it and little to no benefit to those that do, it should fail.

Waring R. Fincke is a retired attorney and serves as a guardian for the elderly and disabled.