All Politics Are Local
Change Starts Here
Election season is upon us once again.
Wisconsin Democrats are putting up more quality candidates than we have seen for many years. Women, veterans, business leaders and union workers are running strong campaigns across the state, including traditionally GOP voting districts like ours.
Dennis Degenhardt, the recently retired CEO of West Bend’s Glacier Hills Credit Union, has been knocking on doors and meeting voters across the 58th Assembly District all Summer. Building on his special election run for the same seat last winter when he won the City of West Bend over Rep. Rick Gundrum, Dennis is making his case directly to the voters on the issues that matter.
Degenhardt’s campaign is focused on support for affordable universal healthcare, stronger support for public education, creation of family sustaining jobs, fiscal responsibility for state spending, protection of Wisconsin’s natural resources and ensuring fair elections. His website is found at
Chris Ralf, a Navy veteran and businesswoman, is running strong against Rep. Rob Brooks in the 60th Assembly district. She was recently the beneficiary of a gift from Gov. Scott Walker when Walker called on Brooks should resign from the Assembly after making offensive racial and sexual comments about several GOP women assembly members while intoxicated. Brooks stepped down as Assistant Assembly Majority Leader, but refused to resign.
Rahlf’s campaign is focused on sustainable economic growth, increased protection for the environment, stronger support for public education, fair elections and affordable universal healthcare. Her website is found at
Emily Siegrist, an Army veteran and nurse, is running in the 24th Assembly District against Rep. Dan Knodl. She promotes universal healthcare, increased support for public education, renewing Wisconsin’s infrastructure, support for veterans and protection of the environment. Emily’s website is found at
All of these candidates for Washington County assembly seats share something else in common. All of their Republican opponents have refused every opportunity to debate or share public events with them. The non-partisan Ozaukee County Chapter of the League of Women Voters proposed debates in each of the districts where the incumbents and challengers could describe their visions and take questions form their constituents. All the GOP incumbents refused this time-honored format, but suggested one forum for all of the candidates. When that demand was agreed to, they demanded more conditions such as choice of moderators and influence over the questions to be asked. The League wisely backed away. Rep. Gundrum refused to debate Degenhardt during the special election campaign and has, so far, failed to respond to an invitation from groups at UWM-WC to a candidate forum on their campus next week. Brooks has already declined to attend. All the invited Democrats agreed to attend.
These GOP representatives seem to be acting in concert with other GOP Assembly members who have also refused to meet face to face with Democratic challengers in front of their constituents. One has to wonder what they are afraid might happen should they meet with voters in something other than a friendly forum with scripted questions followed by buzz word answers.
Perhaps they might be asked to explain how they might respond to Gov. Walker’s about face on issues like education, healthcare and transportation. Once hallowed GOP ground, Walker has sullied the party line by recently adopting very democratic sounding ideas like full 2/3 state support for cost of public education, required coverage for pre-existing conditions and increased funding for Wisconsin’s crumbling roadways. Walker’s new promises ring hollow when we recognize that he does not have the support from his colleagues in the Legislature for any of these measures. He knows he can promise the moon in order to gain another term when he also knows that his cronies will never allow him to deliver.
The pre-existing condition coverage promise is all the more hypocritical after Walker unleased Attorney General Brad Schimel to join other Republican governors in suing the federal government to overturn the Affordable Care Act which provides the very coverage he now claims to support.
Walker even tried to outdo State Superintendent of Schools Tony Evers by claiming the mantle of “Education Governor.” While it is true that Walker proposes to significantly increase “education” funding in the next budget, he forgets to mention that most of the increase would go into the failed voucher/school choice pot, not the “public education” pot he and the Legislature have slashed to the marrow of the bone. GOP restrictions on local control and funding through referenda remain untouched.
Voters indeed have a choice next month. We can restore Wisconsin to its great traditions of strong. Locally controlled public education, a pristine protected environment, fair taxes spread equitably and elections free from gerrymandered chicanery or re-elect those afraid to meet their challengers to debate the issues of the day in front of their constituents and a governor who is willing to say and do anything to get re-elected.
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