Celebrate Labor
Every Day
This weekend we celebrate organized labor recognizing the benefits unions have given all of us since they started organizing.
We have unions to thank for a five-day work week, time and a half for overtime and double time on holidays. We thank unions for workplace safety, representation during grievance procedures, anti-discrimination employment laws, laws limiting or banning child labor, living wage laws, parental and family leave, domestic partner benefits, employer paid pension and health benefits, minimum wages, farm labor laws, workers compensation benefits, unemployment insurance, equal pay laws, Social Security, sick leave, paid vacation, and the ability to force change by walking off the job.
Even if you work in a non-union shop, you probably have some of these protections and benefits because your employer recognizes that his competitor down the street offers them and will lose workers to the competition if he fails to follow suit.
It was not always like this. The Labor Movement started in earnest in the 1920s and 30s and came into its own after World War II as GIs came home to a booming economy. Early efforts to unionize workers was met with fierce resistance in many industries, including the use of armed strike breakers. Men and women died to gain the right to strike which started the process of leveling the playing field in the workplace.
The movement has seen its ups and downs over the decades. The Red scares and communist influences are a thing of the past. Organized crime has been rooted out of major unions like the Teamsters. In recent years as new segments of the workplace are becoming unionized, more and more in service industries and retail establishments are flexing their work withholding muscle to get employers to share the wealth labor produces. It is not surprising that a majority of Americans in recent polls support unions and the right to organize and strike.
Some might say that Labor overplayed its hand in the public sector by aligning with Democrats. When Republicans gained control of states historically favorable to unions and began to scale back collective bargaining rights, we saw new laws like our own Act 10 under then Governor Scott Walker’s administration. Act 10 crippled public sector union strength in Wisconsin and Wisconsin’s economy paid the price.
Public sector workplace morale is at an all-time low. Teachers have felt the gut punch most dramatically as their ability to have a significant say in the conditions of their employment has all but vanished. With bans on strikes in public sector employment in place, many feel powerless to change their lot. Many are leaving those public sector jobs for more secure and lucrative private sector employment. Those that have stayed find their income reduced, their workloads increased and their ability to bargain strictly limited. It does not have to be this way.
As Democrats beat back gerrymandered electoral districts and regain control of courts and legislatures, a better balance will hopefully emerge making those public sector jobs attractive once more. The alliances are in place and are slowly becoming reactivated.
This is not to say that organized labor is perfect. In the early days of the emerging movement, efforts were made to get organizers to work on more than wages and working conditions. There were some, like my grandfather, who saw the need for organized labor to get involved with the whole family by promoting and supporting progressive education for workers’ children. Progressive unions like the International Ladies Garment Workers, the Pullman Porters Union and others supported progressive education efforts aimed at teaching students about the benefits of organizing. These fell by the wayside as the American Federation of Labor merged with the Congress of Industrial Organizations to become the AFL-CIO and focused organizing efforts on workplace issues.
Current unions are gaining concessions never thought possible with recent strike votes. UPS drivers won significant pay increases, better benefits, and air conditioning in new trucks without having to walk out. Baristas in Starbucks stores across the nation are standing up and getting recognized in the face of union busting efforts by management. Screen writers, actors, and others in entertainment work have been on the line for several months. They are supported by non-striking union members who refuse to cross the picket lines and are making contributions to strike funds so striking workers can feed their families. Time will tell, but as more shows cannot finish filming for lack of scripts or actors to portray the characters those scripts describe, the producers will have to come up with a better division of the wealth the shows produce.
In the end, organized labor is the greatest force ever devised to secure an equitable division of the wealth their labor creates. All it takes is a willingness to say enough is enough and stand up like Norma Rae with a simple sign that says “Union.”
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